Welcome to North Narrabeen Nippers


Thank you to all our nippers who participated in the 2024-25 season and congratulations to our award winners.  For all the highlights of last season check out the 2022-23 Annual Report.

The 2024-2025 Season runs from October 2024 through to March 2025.

Our aim at North Narrabeen is to educate our children to be competent and safe on the beach and using surf equipment.  Surf knowledge and techniques are gradually introduced to the children in relation to their age and ability; ultimately at the age of 13 they will attain their Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) which is one step below the Bronze Medallion.  Nippers participate in age groups starting from 6 through to 14 years of age.

Whilst all children are encouraged to improve their surf skills through regular competition, no child is forced or pressured to do something he/she does not want to do.  It is all about the children having FUN at Nippers and enjoy coming to the beach each Sunday.

Mark Franz

Mark Franz

JAC Chairperson

2024 JAC Committee Members

Adam O'Keefe

Adam O'Keefe

JAC Secretary

Andrea Pietzsch

Andrea Pietzsch

JAC Treasurer

Sain Franz

Sain Franz

Shop Manager

Lisa Keep

Lisa Keep

JAC Register

Mark Franz

Mark Franz

JAC Supervisor

Gee Lee

Gee Lee

Carnival Registrar

Louise Pearce

Louise Pearce

Child Safe Person


The 2024 – 2025 Season is upon us

We have Rego days & Clothing on Sale on Sunday 15th  & Sunday 22nd September 9:00am – midday at the surf club downstairs in the boatshed area

Online registrations available for existing members (See Rego Renewals section below)

Nippers starts 13th October 2024 ALL AGE Groups 8.45am rollcall 9am 10.00am each Sunday

Look forward to seeing you all back on the beach.


The objectives of North Narrabeen Nippers are to ensure that those children who register with the Club are provided with:

  • The best possible facilities to enjoy their activities
  • The best possible opportunity to participate in the Club activities
  • The best possible tuition and coaching to complete their Surf Education Program
  • The best possible opportunity for competition
  • The best possible opportunity to learn and understand the surf and the beach
  • An atmosphere which encourages and fosters the transition of children into the senior movement
  • A friendly, happy and safe environment for the children.

Every nipper MUST have:

  • A nipper cap in our club colours (fluro green U6 & U7, plain white U8+) – clearly marked with child’s name
  • Sunscreen applied
  • A parent or guardian on the beach

Ensure you read the newsletter and/or check the website for regular updates.

Sunday Nippers

Children need to assemble on the beach at 8:45am for all age groups behind their age group signs to enable Age Managers to mark the rolls for events to start at 9:00am- 10:00am each Sunday.

  Please assist your child’s Age Manager eg; place judges or helping with the wade, etc.  At the conclusion of events, please collect your child(ren) from their Age Manager.  Once signed out, nippers are to remove their white caps.

A BBQ is held on the Club deck after most Nippers.  This is a great opportunity to meet other Nipper families and everyone is welcome.  Each Age Group will be rostered on BBQ duty which is rotated on a weekly basis.  Rosters will be published in the newsletter and on the website.

Surf Sport Events for all interested members: Surf Swim and Beach Sprint at the Patrol tent at 11am each Sunday after nippers.

Beach Events

Water Events

15m Flags U6-U10 Wade U6-U8
15m Flags U11-U14 150m Surf Swim U9-U10
50m Sprint U6 & U7 288m Surf Swim U11-U14
70m Sprint U8-U10 220m Board Race U9-U10
70m Sprint U11-U14 330m Board Race U11-U14

*Wade and water event locations will be decided on the day according to surf conditions.

IMPORTANT NOTE Water Safety is of paramount importance and the more parents who are willing to assist in helping the children to become comfortable and competent in the surf, the more they will benefit.  The Water Safety personnel are all qualified and can be identified by their ORANGE CAPS and ORANGE WATER SAFETY VESTS.

SLSA Proficiency Requirements

For safety and development reasons, junior activity participants need to successfully complete preliminary assessment.  This evaluation must be undertaken prior to commencing any junior activity training or competition – refer table below for requirements.  These times must be witnessed by one of the following officials – Chief Instructor, Level One Official or Level One Coach.
Age Swim Survival Float
Under 8 25 metre swim (any stroke) 1 min
Under 9 25 metre swim (any stroke) 1 min
Under 10 50 metre swim – freestyle 1.5 min
Under 11 100 metre swim – freestyle 2 min
Under 12 100 metre swim – freestyle 2 min
Under 13 150 metre swim – freestyle 3 min
Under 14 200 metre swim – freestyle 3 min

SLSA Rules & Regulations

  • A child must NOT wear their cap in the water unless they are competing in a water event.  Swimming is only allowed in the patrol area for those not competing.  These rules are strictly adhered to at carnivals, so let’s practice them at our beach at all times.  Carnival Officials can become quite harsh about the water rules and may reprimand any club not obeying them.


Competition and Carnivals

Sydney Northern Beaches (SNB) branch conduct junior carnivals during the season for nippers in age groups of U8 and up. There are 4 local carnivals during the season followed by the State Carnival which will be held at **TBC**. The carnivals are held as a competition between nippers of different clubs.

  • Carnivals begin at 7:30am unless otherwise noted
  • Carnivals are an important part of the Junior Activities section of Surf Life Saving promoting friendly competitive and social inter-club relations 
  • Children of all skill levels can be involved and are encouraged to compete at Carnivals as long as they have met the minimum proficiency levels (see below) 
  • Carnival events provide new levels of competition and challenges from our weekly Sunday events and help develop a great sense of Club spirit and unity.

What to do at Carnivals?

  • Carnival participation begins the week before the carnival.  To enter a carnival you MUST register via TeamApp and submit to the Competition Secretary (Mrs Gee Lee) at least one (1) week prior to confirm your intention to compete.
  • When you arrive at the carnival you MUST physically register at the registration desk usually located near the Surf Club.  Upon registration you will receive an wrist/ankle band relevant to your age group.  You MUST wear this to be eligible to compete at the carnival.
  • Once you are registered find your Age Manager and/or the Club’s tent.
  • The Club will cover your entry fee of $25 ($35 for Branch Carnival) per child.  However, non-attendance costs the Club money and as a result you will incur the cost of the registration.
  • If you are unable to attend ie; sickness or injury, please notify your Age Manager ASAP.


Junior Beach Carnival| TBC
Junior Water Carnival| TBC
Junior Beach Carnival
Bennett Fast & Furious | TBC
11-15s Water Carnival | TBC
9-10s Water Carnival | TBC

Junior Beach Carnival | TBC
Nipper Nats, Manly | TBC

Northern Beaches Branch Water Champs | TBC
Northern Beaches Branch Beach Champs | TBC
NSW State Junior Carnival | TBC

Carnival Events
Carnivals include events which are not regularly conducted as part of our Sunday competition.  Below is an outline of these events.  Events are either Open (Boys and Girls competing), Boys Only or Girls Only.  Wade and water events will be decided on the day according to water conditions.  All swim distances are 80m from waist deep water.  Board distances for most events are 120m from the water’s edge.

Beach Events Water Events Water Events (cont’d)
  • Sprint – 70 metres
  • Wade
  • Cameron Relay
  • Relay – 70 metres
  • Wade Relay
  • Iron Man
  • All-Age Relay – 70 metres
  • Surf Swim
  • Iron Woman
  • Beach Flags – 15 metres
  • Surf Team Race
  • Board Riding
  • March Past
  • Board Race
  • 2-person R&R
  • Board Relay
  • 5-person R&R
Board Rescue

Carnival Proficiency Requirements

To maintain safety in the surf, the minimum requirements for children in age groups U9 and above who are wishing to compete in Junior Activities at recognised carnivals, will be an Open Water swim.  SLSA requires all competitors to complete an Open Water swim. These requirements are:

  • U8 – nil
  • U9 and 10 – 150m Open Water Swim
  • U11, U12, U13 and U14 – 288m Open Water Swim

This Open Water swim must be witnessed by one of the following officials – Chief Instructor, Level One Official, or Level One Coach.

Rego Renewals


Registration for new and existing members is open for the 2023-24 Season.

Please be aware that it is COMPULSORY for at least one parent/guardian to join the Club as a  Associate member when registering a child(ren) for Nippers.

How to Register 

New Members

Go to the Surf Lifesaving Join Portal

Fill in the required details for a parent (Associate Membership)

Click to “create a family group and join an additional family member”.

Name the Family Group and fill in the required details for a child.

Click to “join another person up” if necessary, for more children and an optional additional parent.

Click to “pay your membership fee(s) online” listing all member names in the Payment Details box, please note that your membership will not be accepted unless full payment is made at this time. You can process your Active Kids Voucher at this time.

Once the above steps have been completed, you will need to forward a copy of identification for ALL new members to nippers@northnarra.org.au  Again, unless this final step has been completed your applications will not be accepted.

There are more detailed instructions on using the Surf Lifesaving Join Portal here.

How to add a new Nipper to an existing Nippers Family Group

Once approved by the Registrar, add the new Nipper to your Family Group by selecting Family from the Memberships menu then clicking View/Edit and then use the red button to add a new member.

Renew Existing Nippers & General Membership

If you wish to use an Active Kids voucher, please have the details ready before renewing as you cannot redeem the voucher later.

Go to the Surf Lifesaving Portal

If you have not registered for access to the Portal or if you have forgotten your login details, there are links to help you. Your portal access should be in the name of a parent.

Check your details are up to date by selecting from Update Personal Details from the Memberships menu. Particularly personal information and contact details.

Select Family from the Memberships menu.

If you have not already set up a Family Group, click the red button to do so. This will require approval by the Registrar before it can be used. Note that you must be logged in as a parent to create a family group.

Click the Renew Memberships link to renew the family members, including at least one parent/guardian.

Click to “pay your membership fee(s) online”, listing all member names in the Payment Details box, please note that your membership will not be accepted unless full payment is made at this time. You can process your Active Kids Voucher at this time.

If you miss the payment screen, you can pay via this payment link.

The Registrar will review the renewal and you will receive an email. Note that this may take over a week during our busy annual registration period. Your renewal will not be processed without payment.

Transfer from Another Club

If you are transferring from another club, you will still need to pay the NNSLSC Nippers family fee.

Go to the Surf Lifesaving Portal.

If you have not registered for access to the Portal or if you have forgotten your login details, there are links to help you.

Select Memberships > Transfers > Join/Transfer to a new organisation.

Enter the requested information.

Wait up to a week for the club to complete the process.

Follow the instructions above to Renew Nippers Membership.

Active Kids Voucher

These Vouchers are only available for every child (4.5 – 18 years old) who is on a current Medicare card and is enrolled in school from Kindergarten to Year 12.

PLEASE NOTE: The vouchers can only be used once for every child renewaling through members portal.  (If you have already paid your membership fees for the current season you can’t make a claim for a refund of the Kids voucher amount with us after that).

How can I help?

You can let your Age Manager know that you would like to help on Sundays.

If your Nippers are competing in carnivals, parents will be required to help.

You can help us to safeguard your kids in the water by attaining the Bronze Medallion.

IMPORTANT NOTE: a copy of Birth Certificate or Passport is required for all NEW registrations.

Swimwear, caps and other items will be available for purchase at our Registration Days and on selected dates throughout the season from the clothing store when open.  Please check the Season Calendar for opening schedule.


Payment Method

Payment can be made by cash, credit card or direct deposit.  EFTPOS facilities are also available at the Club. 


Refund Policy

As a result of costs incurred at the beginning of each season, a 50% refund of registration fees will be refunded to those members who decide not to continue their membership.  The refund will only apply if the request is made within 4 weeks from the commencement of that membership.  Thereafter, no refund of fees will be granted.  Any request for a refund must be made in writing and addressed to the Committee.

Junior Age Groups

Listed below are the age groups members will be in for the 2024 – 25 season. These age groups are determined as at midnight
on 30 September 2024.

1st October 2018 to 30th September 2019 U6
1st October 2017 to 30th September 2018 U7
1st October 2016 to 30th September 2017 U8
1st October 2015 to 30th September 2016 U9
1st October 2014 to 30th September 2015 U10
1st October 2013 to 30th September 2014 U11
1st October 2012 to 30th September 2013 U12
1st October 2011 to 30th September 2012 U13
1st October 2010 to 30th September 2011 U14


Membership Fees (2024 / 2025 Season)

Membership Type Fee
Active Senior (18+) and Patrolling Long Standing Members – Renewal / Join $10 / 65
Active Junior (15 to Under 18 years) – Renewal / Join $10 / 65
Cadet Member (13 to Under 15 years) $10 / 65
Reserve Active $10 / 65
Long Standing Members Not Patrolling $65
Past Active $65
Award Member ​$65
Associate $85
General (includes Gym + Fob Deposit*) $200
Under 6-14     – 1 Associate Membership + 1 Nipper $160
FAMILY TYPE 1 – 2 Patrolling Members + Unlimited Nippers $190
FAMILY TYPE 2 – 1 Patrolling member + 1 Associate + Unlimited Nippers $210
FAMILY TYPE 3 – 1 Patrolling member + 1 Nipper $140
FAMILY TYPE 4 – No Patrolling members + Unlimited Nippers $240
Vice Patron $120
Patron $170
Fob Deposit * $30

* Fob deposit is for fobs issued from 15 July 2020 and refundable on return of fob.

Proof of age is mandatory for all new members – original or certified copy of a birth certificate or passport will be accepted. 
Under no circumstance can a child compete in an age group lower than the group to which they belong as set out in the above classifications.
Children must train and compete in their correct age group each Sunday to be eligible for any points and/or trophies.

SLS Association specifies that no Club is to accept membership of a child until they have reached the age of 5 years to comply with insurance requirements.  A child who turns 5 years of age AFTER 30th September may join Nippers at that time but will be required to stay in the Under 6 Age Group the following season.

Contact Us


North Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club Inc.

2 Malcolm Street, North Narrabeen  NSW  2101
(PO Box 49, Narrabeen  NSW  2101)
Tel: 02 9913 8810
